Monday, July 8, 2013

Love Letter

My girlfriend gave me this great book called 642 Things to Write About. I'm going to use this blog to type up some of the more worthwhile pieces as they happen, mostly as a way to force myself to fine-tune some of them. Here is the first.

Love Letter

Mike finally pressed 'send,' and, within a second, knew he had ruined everything.

He had spent the past few months working on it, gathering his feelings and slowly composing an earnest message to the love of his life. He had spent the morning proofreading it, taken a break, given it one last look and sent it off. Everything had been perfect. He had thesaurized every adjective and massaged every clause until the note read exactly as it was meant to.

Mike had dredged the annals of love from Catullus to Twilight, searching for just the right sentiments to express how felt and just the right arguments to elicit reciprocation. From "Dearest Clara," to "Yours Truly," the email was, truly, a modern masterpiece of amorous affectioneering.

But there was one mistake. He hadn't sent the letter to Clara. He had sent it to his wife.

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