Saturday, June 6, 2009

I think I have figured out why I hate packing early. It mostly is because I have a deep-seated mistrust for past selves. If I pack all at once just before I go, I can remember everything I packed, and know that it is all there. If packed a week ago, I just have to trust that week-ago-Reece remembered to pack everything. Thing is, past Reeces are usually morons. They have always done the stupidest crap and I am continuously cleaning up after their moronicness. So since I can't trust week-ago-Reece, I just pack everything over again.
This might be why I procrastinate so much also. Why do this problem set today, when tomorrow-Reece, being a whole day older and wiser, is vastly more qualified? I'll probably just make a lot of mistakes that future Reece will have to correct. Better just let him do the whole thing himself.

Overheard in Great Clips

' then the doctor told him that he's just one drink away from cirrhosis. He's only nineteen for christsake! And then my dumbass mother in law gets him a sixpack for graduation and I say "What are you, crazy?" So then I get my .45 pistol, bring the six pack into the front yard, and shoot about twenty holes in it and say "Yeah you try to drink that now, idiot."'

I love the south sometimes.
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