Saturday, January 30, 2016

Chris Christie says that he won't let Hillary get within 10 miles of the Whitehouse, which is a little harsh considering how small our city is (exactly 10 miles on each side, actually, until Virginia demanded its section back). That would mean she could only ride the Red Line between medical center and Rockville, the Orange Line between West Falls Church and Vienna, and she could board the train at Franconia as long as she didn't actually go north. She could also ride the entirety of the Silver Line proper as long as she didn't try to transfer to the Orange Line. The Green and Yellow lines are obviously right out, but what would Hillary want to see on them anyway?

She would be prevented from seeing most of the usual DC sites, but could still barely go to Mount Vernon, the very top of Rock Creek Park, and, luckily, the George Bush Center for Intelligence.

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