Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wild Child

He just crawled up on the couch and keeps repeating "I'm up here."
He's pointing again. At my keyboard. He likes the escape key I guess. He is now asking the name of everything in the hallway. A discovery: the TV isn't working. That's why he's here I guess.
I am slowly learning his gibberish language. He has no friends. He pulled the fire alarm to try to turn the sprinklers on. He's now washing his face in the water fountain... gross. He's crawled under a desk and claims invisibility. He just put a dead spider in the water fountain... double gross. I ask if he knows what death is. "What happens when you die?"
"There is a big *hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss* and a thing."
He says "I don't like this anymore" and crawls back under the desk ... a deep metaphor for mankind's fear of the unknown.
I ponder playing hide and seek with him. Guess which role I would choose.
I can hear blob lady stomping around looking for him. Or looking for crack.
Kid has come out and threw a rock at me. He's turning to Morgan for support and amusement. Now to Zach. Now to Steve. Now a vague Nazi salute and a march down the hallway.... ok that was actually a bit scary.
I really want to go back to my room now, but I have no key and keep my door unlocked for much of the time, and don't want him associating my room with entertainment.
Ha! Blob Lady finally ventured down here. Feral child is gone... for now.

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